Hurstpierpoint and sayers common

An update from Hurst Parish Council


Parish Council Meetings October 2021

Due to Covid-19 restrictions please check the Parish Council Notice Boards, or our website to confirm the meeting location. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings, and all commence at 7.30pm.

Thursday 7th October 2021 - Community Engagement Committee

Thursday 14th October 2021 - Finance & Governance Committee

Thursday 21st October 2021 - Full Council

Thursday 28th October 2021 - Planning & Environment Committee

To read the news click on the pictures below:

Celebrate the Hurst community with Mid Sussex Applauds


Many residents and organisations in Hurst, Albourne and Sayers Common have recently been recognised for their effort and work in the community. Mid Sussex Applauds seeks to recognise those who go above and beyond in their efforts for our community.

Those nominated include:
Jane Cheshire of Sayers Common in the Stronger Together Award (Highly Commended)
Sayers Common Community Village Shop, (commended in the Business in the Community and Stronger Community awards)
Carol Jeffries and Dave Parsons (commendations in the Lifetime Achievement Award)
Befriended (commended Stronger Communities Award)
Hurstpierpoint Covid-19 Neighbours Support Group were joint winners of the Stronger Communities Award, alongside similar groups in Haywards Heath and Horsted. The judges felt it was impossible to split the amazing community spirit shown by these three groups, so it was decided to recognise all three as joint winners in this category.

Hurst cricket legend Dave Parsons was commended for a Lifetime Achievement Award. “When I moved to Mid Sussex in 1970, I was very fortunate to be introduced to Hurst CC whose philosophy and ethics about how cricket should be played mirrored my own. In past 50 years, whilst the personnel may have changed, I am proud to have played my part in ensuring the club is now thriving and same ideals still exist today. I’m very pleased to accept this award for everyone involved at the club.”

Chairman of Mid Sussex District Council, Councillor Colin Trumble commented, “It is truly heart-warming to read the stories of everyone nominated. Living through extraordinary times has highlighted how fantastic our community is and how people really step up in times of adversity. Huge congratulations to everyone awarded and those commended, they really are stars in our community.”

Despite being unable to host an awards event Councillor Trumble and the High Sheriff will fully recognise and celebrate the stories of all involved in a film to be released later in the year.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common - Parish Council news - July 2020

By Malcolm Llewellyn, Chairman

Malcolm Llewellyn, Chairman

Malcolm Llewellyn, Chairman

I am sure that we all welcome the return to print of Hurst Life, and the opening of more of our High Street shops, as another series of small steps to whatever the new ‘normal’ might be.

During lockdown your Parish Council joined much of the country in conducting business on Zoom and then Microsoft Teams. Our staff have been operating from home, and contactable via email or by leaving a message on the office number. A small group has met weekly to focus on priorities, and getting important information out to our residents; particularly those who were isolated or did not have internet access.

There have been three leaflet drops to every household, with details of local organisations and companies that were also offering help and support. They were delivered by (mostly) young and willing volunteers led by Tracey Payne – for which we are all very grateful.

With our buildings closed, quieter streets and some of our contractors available to work safely, we have been able to push on with projects that had been delayed by the wet winter, or which would have required the closure of facilities in normal times. These have included repairs at the Cemetery, upgraded footpaths, tree safety work, improvements to the Village Garden and further changes at the Court Bushes Community Hub. With outdoor exercise being paramount, and Hurst Meadows enjoyed by many on a daily basis, it became pressing to open the approved access though Marchants Close. Some were trying different routes to gain access to the Meadows from the west side. Regrettably, the ‘lockdown’ precluded our envisaged meeting with local residents, and the announcement was made on our website and Facebook. It is important that we all stay out of the section of Ancient Woodland, known as The Wilderness, and designated by our signs. The completion of the Bramble Park western footpath will enable all to comply.

Elsewhere Council Meetings have been held via videoconferencing and telephone. If you wish to attend a meeting please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council, Sarah Groom, to enable access. Unfortunately the Annual Parish Meeting, which was due to take place on 19th May, had to be cancelled. Instead a report for the year 2019/2020 is on our website. If you do not have internet access please contact the office and they will enable a paper copy to be provided.

Of note, the report explains why for 2020/21 the Parish Council had to increase the Council Tax by 13.9%, or 19p per week, for a typical Band D property. It is not a step that we have taken lightly as we appreciate the impact that such a rise will have on our community.

Meanwhile, thank you to all who have volunteered to help others through these challenging times. These fantastic people include:
• Everyone involved in the Hurst Covid-19 Neighbours’ Support Group
• Those organising and delivering on behalf of the Food Bank
• Residents taking bags and litter-pickers on their daily exercise walk to help protect our local environment
• Those keeping the Sayers Common Community Shop open and taking deliveries and other help to those in need
• Our local businesses who have gone the extra mile working extremely hard to provide residents with goods and services

Finally, I would like to thank Stephen Hand, the outgoing Chairman, under whose leadership, experience and direction over the last five years the Parish Council has transformed its responsibilities and reach for the community - a legacy that we need to build upon going forwards; to the further benefit of our community.

Parish Council news - March 2019


By Stephen Hand

As many will have seen, the new Village Gateways have been installed at the entry to the two villages of Hurstpierpoint and Sayers Common and in general have been positively received. Most people have commented that they do give a stronger sense of place, which was our intention in putting them in place.

Although New Year’s Day will be some weeks past when this page is published, I would like to thank everyone who made the effort to join the ‘Hurst Meadows Guided Walkabouts’ on that day. Some eighty people in total took part in the two walks and, from the lively discussions that took place, thoroughly enjoyed the guided tours of the three meadows which make up the fifty acres that now belong in perpetuity to the community. My thanks to Cllr. Claire Majsai and Advisory Board member Helen Brangwyn for organising the event, which will be repeated at Easter when the new orchard has been planted.

At its recent January meeting the Parish Council approved its budget for the year 2019-2020. In looking to next year we have taken account of our proposed management of the new Court Bushes Community Hub which will open in the spring. The new community building will be a flexible space that can be used in different ways by local community groups. A large hall area will be available for social functions or as a venue for activities like exercise classes and it is hoped that a nursery provider will use the space to provide local childcare. While MSDC has made most of the investment in refurbishing the building, it is proposed that the Parish Council will be responsible for the day to day financial operation of the Hub. MSDC will consider our management proposal in March, but meanwhile we believe that it is right for us to make provision to fund the early days of this hugely worthwhile project. In order to make sure we can do this while continuing to balance our budget, we have increased our Band D council tax by 5% which equates to an additional £3.42 per household per year. This budget and the financial results for the year 2018-2019 will be presented as usual at the Annual Parish Meeting in May.

Finally, in May there are local elections, including the chance to elect a new Parish Council. Anyone wishing to stand for election should contact the MSDC election office for further details. The deadline for candidates to submit nomination forms is 3rd April 2019.