CV-19 - could you help on a Telephone Befriending Scheme?

By Gail Millar


 COVID-19 Coronavirus will have a huge effect upon all of our lives if not already but certainly in the coming weeks and months. This is our greatest opportunity as a nation, community and neighbourhood to care for those around us we all need to be looking out for the needs of others.  

The most vulnerable group of people who will be most affected are the elderly, very soon if not by the time you read this, they and maybe us all will be asked to self-isolate. The facts of loneliness and isolation in this country are already shocking, this will increase exponentially. There will be a silver lining to all of this, neighbours will care for neighbours, strangers will show kindness to one another, we will share what we have and support one another through difficult circumstances.

Hurst charity Befriended has created a Telephone Befriending Scheme that you can be a part of.  If you would like to ring someone who is in self isolation to chat to them, support them and encourage them please apply to be a telephone befriender.  If you would like to be a call handler and have your telephone number on a list to receive calls and take down details please get in touch.

If you would like to distribute befriended cards around your neighbourhood please contact us.  We need you.  Together we can make a difference. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call 0300 7727703 or, to be a telephone befriender, visit our website: