Parish Council

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council

The Annual Parish Meeting is an ancient custom designed for those on the parish electoral roll to discuss parish affairs. It must be held between 1st March and 1st June and not be before 6pm. Previously, the forum has taken place in the Village Centre, with approximately 50+ residents in attendance. Last year, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic and the associated lock-down measures, the meeting was sadly cancelled and replaced by an Annual Report which was published on the Parish Council’s website. This year, anticipating a lack of certainty over being able to a hold the meeting in person, the Parish Council agreed to publish its Annual Report on the Parish Council’s website, but also to embrace technology and to hold the meeting via a webinar on 18th May 2021. We widened the scope under the theme “Working together for a sustainable future”. There were some great presentations covering the range from recycling in the community, managing the Hurst Meadows for wildlife and the community, Hurst Rethink, The Lost Woods Project, to Sustainable Development. They were topped by very focussed videos from both St Lawrence School and Downlands School Students.

We had about 68 logged on to the webinar with a wider demographic to those who have previously attended this meeting in person at the Village Centre. The presentations were both thought-provoking and full of related updates. There was even a quiz to establish exactly which local authority is responsible for which service. We will be drawing upon some of the detail from the presentations and follow up questions to help us to develop further our Environmental Policy into one which will both support the operations and output of the Parish Council, and in some way meet the aspirations of our residents as well. If you missed the webinar the presentations are now accessible via our website at

Parish Council News published monthly

Village Centre, Trinity Road, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9UY

Call: 01273 833264

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common - Parish Council news - July 2020

By Malcolm Llewellyn, Chairman

Malcolm Llewellyn, Chairman

Malcolm Llewellyn, Chairman

I am sure that we all welcome the return to print of Hurst Life, and the opening of more of our High Street shops, as another series of small steps to whatever the new ‘normal’ might be.

During lockdown your Parish Council joined much of the country in conducting business on Zoom and then Microsoft Teams. Our staff have been operating from home, and contactable via email or by leaving a message on the office number. A small group has met weekly to focus on priorities, and getting important information out to our residents; particularly those who were isolated or did not have internet access.

There have been three leaflet drops to every household, with details of local organisations and companies that were also offering help and support. They were delivered by (mostly) young and willing volunteers led by Tracey Payne – for which we are all very grateful.

With our buildings closed, quieter streets and some of our contractors available to work safely, we have been able to push on with projects that had been delayed by the wet winter, or which would have required the closure of facilities in normal times. These have included repairs at the Cemetery, upgraded footpaths, tree safety work, improvements to the Village Garden and further changes at the Court Bushes Community Hub. With outdoor exercise being paramount, and Hurst Meadows enjoyed by many on a daily basis, it became pressing to open the approved access though Marchants Close. Some were trying different routes to gain access to the Meadows from the west side. Regrettably, the ‘lockdown’ precluded our envisaged meeting with local residents, and the announcement was made on our website and Facebook. It is important that we all stay out of the section of Ancient Woodland, known as The Wilderness, and designated by our signs. The completion of the Bramble Park western footpath will enable all to comply.

Elsewhere Council Meetings have been held via videoconferencing and telephone. If you wish to attend a meeting please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council, Sarah Groom, to enable access. Unfortunately the Annual Parish Meeting, which was due to take place on 19th May, had to be cancelled. Instead a report for the year 2019/2020 is on our website. If you do not have internet access please contact the office and they will enable a paper copy to be provided.

Of note, the report explains why for 2020/21 the Parish Council had to increase the Council Tax by 13.9%, or 19p per week, for a typical Band D property. It is not a step that we have taken lightly as we appreciate the impact that such a rise will have on our community.

Meanwhile, thank you to all who have volunteered to help others through these challenging times. These fantastic people include:
• Everyone involved in the Hurst Covid-19 Neighbours’ Support Group
• Those organising and delivering on behalf of the Food Bank
• Residents taking bags and litter-pickers on their daily exercise walk to help protect our local environment
• Those keeping the Sayers Common Community Shop open and taking deliveries and other help to those in need
• Our local businesses who have gone the extra mile working extremely hard to provide residents with goods and services

Finally, I would like to thank Stephen Hand, the outgoing Chairman, under whose leadership, experience and direction over the last five years the Parish Council has transformed its responsibilities and reach for the community - a legacy that we need to build upon going forwards; to the further benefit of our community.