Hurst florist

New florist comes to the village

Hurstpierpoint welcomes Luba Carlton who has just opened Apple Mint Florist on the High Street.

The name Apple Mint is inspired by Luba’s happy childhood memories of growing up on a smallholding, walking in the orchard with the scent of the mint covered ground.


She qualified in advanced floristry over 15 years ago while living in the New Forest and has built up huge experience and knowledge working in different florists in the UK and even spending time in New Zealand.

“It felt like a natural progression to start my own business and when we found the shop in Hurst High Street there was no doubt that it was the right place. Derek had recently discovered a branch of his family tree that lived in Hurst in the 1800s so it felt there was a connection and meant to be! Before settling in the area three years ago with her husband Derek, she lived in London and worked at a high-end florist that specialised in designer weddings and high profile sporting/ corporate events. Working at this level gave Luba a fantastic range of experience and professional skills that enabled her to operate in all aspects of floristry.

“People have been so welcoming and many have said they are glad to have a florist back in the village,” Luba said. “Flowers are a wonderful way of expressing feelings and emotions, so I am delighted for the unique opportunity to be able to open the shop and share my passion for flowers with you.”