Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Council newsletter - Nov 2023

Hurst Meadows Heritage Orchard

Thank you so much to all the local volunteers who came to assist with the raking of the Orchard following the annual cut. This will give the wildflowers and the fruit trees the best chance of flourishing next year. We are delighted that, thanks to the hard work of orchard manager Martin Sadler, Plant Heritage have added our community orchard to the National Plant Collections directory. This reflects the value of this collection of historic Sussex apple trees. Congratulations Martin!

Section 106 Monies / Developer Contributions

Under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, financial contributions can be sought from developers towards the costs of providing community and social infrastructure, the need for which has arisen because of a new development taking place. This funding is commonly known either as ‘section 106 monies’ or ‘developer contributions.’ The Parish Council will always seek to apply for section 106 funding for local projects wherever possible, and some examples of where we have been successful in doing so recently can be found within this article.

Please click the images to read the full newsletter or pick up a copy of November’s Hurst Life today.