West Sussex County Council changes to school place applications

West Sussex County Council are urging parents to make sure they’ve done their homework when submitting school place applications.

Recent changes mean that schools will no longer send out reminder letters and so it falls to parents to ensure that applications are submitted on time.

If your child’s date of birth is between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013, it’s now time to apply for a school place. This can be done online at the website www.westsussex.gov.uk/admissions. If access to the internet is a problem, free access to apply is available at all West Sussex libraries and Children Family Centres.

This is the preferred method as the website provides the required information for completing an application, including details of all schools in West Sussex, the criteria for each and the relevant catchment area. Alternatively, a paper application form can be obtained by calling 03330 142 903.

The closing date for applications is Sunday 15th January 2017 and if received on time will take priority over those that are late. Online applications can be made from 3rd October. Contact should be made to schools directly for prospectuses and details of open events.